<body> A touch of Sweetness

Her Birthday-JUlY 2nd


Pass all subjects in mid and end year with high marks
Score even better in 'o' level
World peace!


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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2| 3

    Tuesday, February 20, 2007

    ahahahas , the joyous occation had arrive ,
    HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR , all my frenz !
    wow , sOo happy worx ! gettin ang baos !!! ,
    n gt some daes dun nd 2 go 2 sch ! hahahaha~
    erm , so late den post sumtink since feb 2 , or
    maybe feb 1 ? nvm bahz , ohh , 2moro nd 2 go
    2 sch le . haiZz , but i'm still in a high spirt bahz
    i guess ~! hahahs , sOo i'm stoppin here le , bye !

     -HER DIARY ;

    Saturday, February 03, 2007

    hahas , sumtink 2 share here ,
    i found myself in tears afta readin
    'the jade bangle' it's a nice story 4
    us 2 read quite touchin oso erm ,so
    i cry a bit lol , ahahahs , gd quotin
    Green is the colour of life ,
    Stregth is the quality of jade
    Round is the circle of love ,
    Eternal , unbroken by death .
    i somehow agree bahz , hahas ... =)
    i tink i shld stop here le bahz , bye .

     -HER DIARY ;

    Friday, February 02, 2007

    haiZz , so long long time nv
    post tinks liao le , hahas , er
    reali dun wana post or notink
    2 post bahz , i shall post abt
    c.o de bahz , erm , c.o ! 2dae's
    practise bahz , haha , erm , veri
    time de practise veri fun n funi
    de lahz , erm , 2dae's special ...
    erm , teacher nv scold me ! hahs
    er, jokin abt the ncc , npcc , all
    those uniform grps lahz , he sae
    ppl so stupid 2 join uniform grps
    he oso joined once but quit afta 2
    or 3 daes , ahahahs , so funi lahz
    his excuses , he sae he's gona faint
    n request 4 a transfer , ahahas !!!
    cant believe it man ! duno wat 2
    sae abt him , hahs , n 2 dae i'm so
    'suei' ! nvm lahz , wana stop liao ,
    bye bye , anna

     -HER DIARY ;